Add to calendar2022-06-16 11:00:000001-01-01 00:00:00America/Los_AngelesQuantum and Crypto: Predicting the Evolution of Cryptocurrency NetworksHow are cryptocurrency networks likely to evolve? In this webinar, the speaker from Multiverse Computing will describe a quantum algorithm for solving the celebrated Jackson and Watts model for social and economic networks. This versatile and complex model describes game theoretic networks where pairs of players can establish transactional relationships, but single players can decide to end them. Their work shows that these types of dynamics can be simulated elegantly using quantum annealing. They will describe the algorithm in detail, and apply it to model transactions in a simple economic network. The players modeled can choose between crypto-currencies and wire transfers to exchange money. They expect this work will help us understand how economic transactions will evolve in a world where crypto-currencies and fiat currencies co-exist.