
Quantum Programming: Ocean Tips and Tricks

March 16, 2022 at 11:30 AM

Add to calendar 2022-03-16 11:30:00 0001-01-01 00:00:00 America/Los_Angeles Quantum Programming: Ocean Tips and Tricks Learn more about quantum programming with Ocean from a D-Wave expert. https://dev-d-wave-systems-inc-website.euwest01.umbraco.io/events-section/events/quantum-programming-ocean-tips-and-tricks/ Eviva

The Ocean SDK provides a broad library of Python tools for interacting with D-Wave’s quantum technology. Attend this webinar to expand your quantum programming skills and get your questions answered by engaging with our experts.

As one of our technical analysts and training instructors, Victoria Goliber has seen and heard almost every question in the book! In this webinar, Victoria will review some of the most common user questions and highlight some tips and tricks for working with the Ocean SDK.

Topics will include:
- Navigating D-Wave’s documentation and open-source code
- Accessing information like embeddings, timing, etc
- Moving to integer variables from binary

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