
Quantum Realized


D-Wave is the only company delivering on the promise of quantum computing today. Our powerful systems are providing production solutions in diverse areas such as drug discovery, supply chain, and manufacturing.

Recent speculation says quantum's value will be realized in 15, 20, or even 30 years. But reality is, useful quantum computing technology is accessible for your organization. Now. At D-Wave.


"Quote about quantum realized goes here asfs asda asfs asda dasda sdasdasdad"

Dr. Alan Baratz, President and CEO, D-Wave


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Unmatched computational power to solve the unsolvable


D-Wave's powerful annealing quantum computing systems have put our customers at the forefront of quantum computing innovation, development, and adoption. We are the only annealing quantum computing company with a 5,000+ qubit system solving customer problems in production today.


Capabilities at a glance


01. Powerful

5,000+ qubit system solving the previously unsolvable customer and research problems today. We have proven quantum’s outperformance over classical computation on a useful problem, not a problem that has no bearing on the real world.

Explore our research

02. Commercial

Over 4 million problems submitted to our systems with 99.9% uptime and availability. D-Wave has commercial applications, not toy research investigations, supported by a comprehensive collection of solutions.

Explore our Advantage System

03. Trusted

More than 100 organizations around the globe trust D-Wave with their toughest challenges. We have commercial-grade availability and reliability, not a sporadically available system that requires days, weeks, or longer queue times to submit problems.

Explore our customer success stories

01. Powerful

20 Minutes vs. a million years

Our technology is now proven to solve important problems that are out of the reach of classical computers - with clear demonstration of our system's outperformance. A solution achieved in 20 minutes on our system would take more than one million years on one of the worl's largest and most powerful supercomputers, which happen to be a massively parallel GPU system.


Fpo Powerful


Foundational research

Coherent quantum annealing in a programmable 2,000 qubit Ising chain

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Quantum critical dynamics in a 5,000-qubit programmable spin glass

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Quantum error mitigation in quantum annealing

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02. Commercial

Ready for business

Our systems are commercial-grade - with 99.9% uptime and availability and subsecond solve times even under heavy customer usage - enabling us to server our customers in the manner they expect from mature technology. Our Leap real-time quantum cloud service is available in 42 countries, with production-grade performance, security and scalability.


Fpo Commerical


System Basics


uptime and availability

+4 million

problems submitted to our system

0.000001 second

solve times for complex calculations

03. Trusted

Quantum in production

Our customers are seeing firsthand the power of what an annealing quantum computer is capable of for tackling computationally complex operational problems across industries, advancing groundbreaking research, and even exploring new efficiencies with AI. Innovative companies, large and small, are working with D-Wave to build applications that are providing real ROI.


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Featured customer success stories

Pattison Food Group

Discovering scheduling efficiencies for e-commerce deliveries


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NTT Docomo

Optimizing mobile networks

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Ford Otosan


Streamlining automotive manufacturing processes

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Quantum Realized

Don't get left behind. Contact us to explore solving the problems that your current legacy technologies cannot.


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